Savoring Summer With Offbeat + Inspired

With only a few weeks before Labor Day marking the end of Summer, we know most people are looking forward to the start of school, Fall and of course the holidays. But we can’t quite let go of our lazy afternoons, al fresco dining with friends and soaking in the last of the sun’s warm rays.  These are the dog days of Summer and we are determined to enjoy every second of them!  However, entertaining in the last days of Summer doesn’t always necessitate a pool party and a big barbecue.  We asked photographer and stylist Tiffany of Offbeat + Inspired to help us imagine a late Summer party and she came back with a beautiful concept that focused on friends, food and sharing – simple, relaxed and easy as we enter into Fall.






Want to recreate this look for your next outdoor weekend gathering, then following these three tips from Tiffany to get the look.

5 Tips for Creating a Magical and Affordable Backyard Gathering



Menu developed and prepared by McKel Hill of Nutrition Stripped.
Produce provided by Bloomsbury Farm.
Spirits and cocktails provided by Corsair Distillery.
Table designed and constructed by James Worsham of Handy Dandy Productions.
Hummus provided by GBZONash.