
Santa’s Coming to Lunch!

We’re always on the lookout for ways to make lunch for the kiddos not only nutritious but fun. We asked one of our favorite bloggers, Beau of Lunchbox Dad, to create a holiday lunch that will go down in Christmas history books for being as delicious as it is awesome thanks to its Santa theme! Read on for Beau’s instructions on recreating this feast at home.

santa lunch 1.5

I absolutely love this time of year! The lights, the decorations, and the festive movies all make this the most exciting time of year for my family and me. One of the best parts of the holidays is the food. I don’t think there is a better season for food than Christmas time. So why not turn your food into part of the decorations? I created a new Santa lunch for my kids and rounded it out with some incredible Christmas place settings from Pottery Barn Kids!



Trust me, this Santa sandwich is very easy to make. Just cut out the simple shapes and it comes together in minutes. Your kids will definitely love this and it will be like Christmas came early. Make sure and follow me on all my social media channels, so you don’t miss anything this holiday season.


Santa sandwich:

  • 2 Slices of bread
  • 2 Slices of provolone cheese
  • Dried blueberries or raisins
  • 1 Strawberry yogurt covered raisin
  • Meat for sandwich
  • 1/2 an apple

Grape Snowballs:

  • Fat-free cream cheese
  • Grapes
  • Coconut flakes

Strawberry Santa hats:

  • 3 Banana slices
  • 3 Strawberries
  • Fat-free cream cheese



Santa sandwich:

  1. Cut two circles from bread slices and cut cheese slice into beard shape as shown in picture below. Use scrap to cut out the mustache.
  1. Cut 1/2 an apple into a triangle shape. Cut brim and ball of hat from another slice of cheese.


Put meat inside circles of bread and arrange beard, mustache, dried blueberry eyes, and yogurt covered raisin nose on top. Cut top off sandwich in a straight line.

  1. Place apple hat flush against sandwich. Put cheese brim on apple and sandwich, covering the seam. Place ball on top of apple hat. Put sandwich on a plate.

Grape snowballs:

  1. Cover grape in a thin layer of cream cheese.
  1. Roll cream cheese covered grape in coconut flakes. Repeat and pile up all the snowballs on the plate.


Strawberry Santa hats:

  1. Slice off the end of the strawberry. Dab cream cheese on the cut end of strawberry and attach banana slice. Form a small ball with cream cheese and place on top of Santa hat.
  1. Repeat with two more Santa hats. Place all three on a plate and serve to your kids!


Products used in this post: 

Gingham Charger | Gingham Utensil Set

Santa Utensil Holder | Santa Tumblers

Santa Hat Chairbacker | Reindeer Chairbacker

beau-coffron-headshotBeau Coffron is a husband, father of three, and blogger at       Lunchbox Dad is all about making parents’ lives easier and kids’ lunches exciting!

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