Host the Perfect Sleepover

As the weather continues to cool down, let your little ones invite a few friends for a warm and cozy night in! Here are our five favorite tips for hosting the perfect sleepover.

1. Create a special space. Designate an area that’s ready for fun with a teepee or hanging lights. Make sure to lay the sleeping bags in a cluster or circle so that everyone is included in activities throughout the night.

2. Prepare a plush place for kids to curl up. Whether your little guests will be watching a movie or playing games, make sure there are plenty of pillows, throw blankets and soft seating for an extra cozy evening.

3. Plan a few light snacks for the evening activities. When choosing a sleepover snack, choose something that is healthy and light like Veggie Chips, so that guests don’t have any trouble getting to sleep.

4. Keep extra items on hand. It’s always a good idea to be prepared for any forgotten or lost items like toothbrushes, pajamas or sleeping bags. Create a basket of extra items a few days before the sleepover to be prepared ahead of time.

5. Cook up a mighty breakfast. Greet your sleepover guests with a special breakfast before they head home. Find our favorite recipes over at Design Studio.

Visit to prepare for your very own sleepover and be sure to shop our Sleepover Event to save 20% on all sleeping bags, pajamas, robes and slippers.