DIY Organizers Using Recycled Materials

Hey everyone, Laurel from A Bubbly Life Blog back with another DIY for ya! April is Earth month, so for this month’s DIY I decided to use a favorite supply of mine that anyone has in their home and you can reuse instead of throwing away- glass jars!  Clean out your salsa jars after you are done with them and make some much needed pen/paintbrush/washi tape/glittered clothespins holders!  I am a glass jar hoarder- I love to keep them and use them around the house for vases, organizers and more.  For this DIY, I use a gold metallic washi tape to design the plain glass bottles!



Happy Earth Month, everyone!

Be sure to stay tuned all month long, we’ll have lots of tips, tricks, and facts to help you stay green this month and every month!