The Cutest DIY Pom Pom Key Chains

Hey everyone, Laurel here with another DIY post for ya to enjoy this month! (Did you know it’s National Craft Month? Just another good excuse to spend an afternoon DIY-ing!) This month’s pick? Pom pom keychains — adorable and useful! Pom pom making is addicting and it is very easy to do. In fact…here’s a little warning: you may want to add a pom pom to everything after you learn the trick – your backpack, purse and even an entire pom pom garland for your bedroom.  Yarn comes in every color imaginable, so pick your favorite colors and let’s pom pom!



  1. Wrap yarn around cardboard, repeat until you get the sized pom pom you would want.  I wanted a large fluffy one, so I just kept wrapping away.
  2. Slide yarn off cardboard and place on top off an individual strand of yarn that is extra long. (In the photos I used a different color yarn so that you can see the directions better, you will want to use the same color yarn for yours so it matches!)
  3. Tie the individual strand of yarn around the middle.  Double or triple knot it.
  4. Cut the yarn all around to open it up and make your pom pom.  Trim as needed to create a more circular shape.
  5. Tie the extra long strand around a key ring- triple knot it.

Ta Da! Enjoy and let’s pom pom all the things! Plus head to Pinterest for more great DIY ideas for this month!