A Chocolate Dreidel the Whole Family Will Love

Happy Hanukkah! We’re excited to celebrate the start of Hanukkah this week with our families. This time of year we especially look forward to not only passing on some of our favorite traditions as kids but also creating new ones with the littlest members of our families. This year, while we the festivities are in full swing, we’re planning for an activity that the kids will love participating in, and the grown-ups won’t mind digging into after — a chocolate dreidel! 

We asked Williams-Sonoma culinary director, Amanda Haas, to create a fun Hanukkah dessert that teaches kids about the meaning of the holiday, while being, of course, delicious!

See below for this easy-to-make chocolate dreidel recipe: 


Equipment Needed


* While dipping your dreidels, be sure not to leave them in the melted chocolate coating for longer than a few seconds. If you leave them in too long, the Hershey’s Kiss will melt and you’ll end up with a flat-bottomed dreidel.

If you’re looking for more Hanukkah inspiration, check out how Erin Gleeson of The Forest Feast updated two traditional recipes for Pottery Barn.

Seen in this story:

Hanukkah Dreidel Set | Hanukkah Plates | Hanukkah Bowl

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