Things to Try: September

Hello September! We’re sad to be waving goodbye to those beloved summer months, but the truth is we are crazy about fall too. Now that September has arrived it’s time to get organized and buckle down for your year at school! Don’t worry because we have pulled together five of our favorite things to do this month to help you have some fun while still getting organized for the new school year!

1) Find a new study spot!

While we love a good visit to the library, we know that spending all your time among stacks of books can get dull quickly. Mix it up and find other spots on campus to get down to business. You could even explore some places to study outside…you might be surprised how studious you can be in a new spot!

2) Get Planning!

New year, new you, right? With school back in the mix it’s definitely hard to keep up with everything from school, to sports, to activities…the list goes on. This year get an adorable planner or calender (like this one!) and put all the important things in a calender so you’ll never have to use the “my dog ate my homework” excuse again.

3)  Celebrate Better Breakfast Month!

Ring in the school year, and commence your early-mornings with some seriously delicious breakfast this month. Why not celebrate “better breakfast month” and make something yummy before you run off to school?

4) Crush on a new color

As much as we would love to keep our bright colors around all year, with the start of a new school year it might just be time to adopt a new go-to hue. With the Autumnal equinox on its way, try bringing in some deeper colors into your outfits, and get a jump-start on fall. Check out how Classy Girls Wear Pearls is adding a little maroon into her outfit this fall. Psst…stay tuned to see some new color inspiration coming later this month!

5) Autumnal Equinox

The Autumnal Equinox  is bittersweet in that those long summer afternoons start to fade away, but we also get to officially welcome in an amazing new season! On September 21st, try a new fall flavor (yum, apples and pumpkin!) and get outside with friends to enjoy the beautiful weather that this season brings. Hey, maybe even snap a few shots of the new season!

6) Out with the old and in with the new

Now that summer has ended, and the air is getting cooler, and it only seems fitting to get a couple new things that make your room ready for fall! We’re drooling over the our fabulous new collections from Emily & Meritt and Junk Gypsy.

 What’s your favorite Fall activity? Let us know in the comments below!