Styling Your Desk with The Bannerie

Gilit, founder of THE BANNERIE, is back to share her expert tips on how to style your desk! You’re going to want to take notes for how to get a functional and pretty desk! Take it away Gilit!

Your working environment is so important because it can make all the difference in both your productivity and how inspired you are. So when I put anything in my office space I ask two questions and the answer has to be yes to at least one of them: Is it functional? Is it pretty? That second question may not seem so important but it is because anything that makes working a more enjoyable experience for you is worth it. If I am happy in my workspace, I am so much more productive and honestly, I’m excited to walk into my office every day! 

Tip one: Have tools that you use on a regular basis be easily reachable (and let’s be honest, make it pretty because they’re always visible) and anything else that you don’t need as often, keep organized out of sight.

For me, I always have to have tools to physically write notes so I use a Rifle Paper Co. deskpad and my PBteen bunny ear pen holder (that I am OBSESSED with)!

Tip two:  Have a clear space to work on your computer or notes because it’s so easy to get distracted by all the things you want or have to do. It’s a great way to stay focused and don’t underestimate the power of white space! 

I keep my PBteen iPhone holder, a delicious smelling candle and business cards on the left and pens, stapler, tape, speaker and other business cards on the right. I keep the middle clear for my laptop or notebook. 

Tip three: Hang up inspiration! Things that motivate you, that get your creative juices flowing, things that remind you of where you’ve come from or where you want to go. Being surrounded by inspiring quotes or images is a healthy place to be.

I am an inspiration hoarder so the giant PBteen pinboard is perfect for me. I keep my calendar on there (function) and pretty prints or inspirational quotes can get added or moved around as needed. Plus my Studio Mucci tassel garland and piñata just make me so happy 🙂

My office really is my happy place. In the morning I walk downstairs all sleepy and get a glimpse of my office and totally brightened up and lovingly greet it “Hello office!”

What is a must have in your office? Tell us in the comments!