Smart, Professional Organizing Ideas for Your Kitchen

Today’s kitchens are the heart of the home. Gone are the days when this room was just for mom’s dinnertime prep. Now, we cook, eat, work and play in our kitchens — it’s a family hub. However, that often means that daily clutter can pile up quickly.

Does that sound a little too familiar? We’ve all been there, but the new year is a great excuse to start fresh. Keep reading for a Q&A about kitchen organization with professional organizer Annette Reyman that can help you get started.

Q: How do you suggest starting a kitchen organization project?

A: As with most room organizing projects, the best place to begin is to clarify your goal by writing down the types of activities that will occur in this particular place. Does the kitchen need to house kids’ craft items, or is there another room more suitable for this?  Is there an office or den where you pay bills or do you normally sit at the kitchen table?  Do you love to cook most meals or does your family eat out more often than not?  Once you’ve listed the purposes of the room, begin organizing by removing anything that does not match those purposes.

Q: What are some simple ways someone can refresh their kitchen’s look?

A: When you consider kitchen décor, practicality is a must.  A new fruit bowl, an decorative basket for incoming mail or schoolwork, an aloe or herb plant in a lovely planter and a stone or wooden cup for pens and pencils can all be useful while adding accents of color and interest to the room.

Q: What are some problem areas in the kitchen that are difficult to keep organized?

A: The countertops and the pantry.  Just like any other closet, it is important to pull everything out of your pantry once or twice a year to make sure that items are not expired and nothing perishable has fallen behind and out of sight.  Food is not going to last forever and the smell of a bag of rotting potatoes is not a pleasant one!

As for counters, clear flat surfaces can often be magnets for clutter.  Make sure you have storage solutions clearly set up.  Seeing a designated place will encourage family members to put their papers and paraphernalia away.

Q: What are a few tips to helping your kitchen actually stay organized?

A: A kitchen is a perfect place for the use of organizing bins and labels.  Unless you live alone, there are multiple people who will all need to use the kitchen so having frequently used items easily accessible and clearly labeled will save everyone time and frustration. If your containers are not clear, a label is a must.

Q: What kind of small renovations can change the way a kitchen looks?