How To Organize Your Planner

Hi everyone! It’s your resident PBteen intern, Emma, back to share my favorite tips and tricks for keeping organized this school year! Here at the PBteen headquarters we’re always busy, so we know exactly what it’s like to feel like you need a little helping hand once in a while. With school back in session, surely you have a lot being put on your plate, and somewhere between science class and soccer practice, something’s bound to get forgotten! One of my favorite ways to keep it all straight is a perfectly organized planner, where everything can get written down and I know just the place to look when my world gets a little crazy. Here is my “how to” guide to keeping an organized planner so you can stay happily organized all year round:

1) Choose Wisely!

Pick a planner that you love, and one that will fit your needs. Because I like making lists, one with lots of empty space is perfect, but if you’re a girl of few words- you might want a little less room! This polka dot planner (similar here) is perfect for school, and gives you all the tools you need to get started.

2) Bring it with you everywhere!

This is the most important step – if you don’t have it with you when you need it, things won’t get written down! Make sure that your planner tags along to all of your classes so all your assignments get documented. (Remember this pretty planner from our post last month? With a planner this pretty you’ll want to bring it everywhere!)

3) Condense everything!

You’re bound to have one-hundred different schedules going on while you’re in school, from homework, to practice, to dance class, you name it! Use your planner to bring all of your calenders together, and update it daily. This way you’ll never be overbooked, or overworked (a win-win!)!

4) Develop a system!

This is key to keeping your planner organized, and it’s best if you start your system from day one. Start by figuring out how you like to organize each day, week, and month. If you have one way of putting events and assignments in from the beginning, you can start scheduling things and planning way in advance! (look at you go!)

5) Make it a habit!

I might be a little too obsessive over my planner, but a little obsession can be a good thing (right?). Like most things, if you are dedicated to keeping up with your planner daily, then you will make it happen. Trust me on this one, when you take the time your life will be smooth sailing!

How are you going to get planning? Let us know in the comments below!