Must-Have Registry Picks for Hosting Your In-Laws

The phone rings. You answer the call and surprise your in-laws are coming to visit!

Don’t panic! You’re cool as a cucumber. Why? Because you’ve got these top registry must-haves ready to make sure your new family members feel right at home. Doesn’t it feel good to be prepared?

Sweet dreams. The key to making your guests feel at home is to make their comfort a top priority. Whether you’re offering up a dedicated guestroom or a space-saving air mattress, invest in an extra set of high-quality sheets like the Tencel® Sheet Set. Not only are they eco-friendly, they’re so satiny-soft you just might steal them for yourself.

Surprise and delight. Take a page from the best high-end hotels and have a few extras on hand to turn even short stays into a special occasion. Greet your new family members with a refreshing beverage in one hand and a pair of Cozy Sherpa Slippers to sink their toes into as soon as they arrive. Bonus points for leaving chocolate mints on the pillows or our Lucy Etched Glass Carafe and Cup Set on each bedside table!

It’s the little things. Show your in-laws you care with a selection of thoughtful extras like a selection of their favorite snacks, and extra toiletry items like cotton balls, hand lotion, and toothpaste. Display them neatly with a kind note and a set of plush PB Classic 820-Gram Weight Bath Towels in an inviting seagrass Beachcomber Wood Handled Basket.

A place for everything. Set aside some space for your guests to unpack. A spare Jessy Side Chair can easily double as a luggage rack in a pinch, or set aside some discreet storage space with the stylish Lorraine Tufted Storage Bench at the foot of the bed — you can use it to store all the extras once your guests are gone.

Want even more Registry ideas? Be sure to take a look at out our always-inspiring Registry Checklist.

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