Artist Call! Enter the Pottery Barn Kids Minted Art Challenge

Love painting, drawing, and all things creative? You’re just who we are looking for to enter our art challenge with Minted! For those not familiar with Minted, it’s an online marketplace that connects artists and their gorgeous work with consumers looking for something unique to hang in their homes. Every month, Minted sends out a call to its artist community with a new art challenge concept. The public votes on those submissions and the winning designs are produced and sold by Minted. Plus, the winning artist receives a cash prize and commission on every piece sold. This month, we’re partnering with Minted to find art perfect for nurseries, kids rooms, and playspaces.

Ready to submit your art or know someone that should enter? We’re accepting entries now through February 18. On February 19 when the submission period ends, the Minted community will begin voting on the entries. Then, later this year we and Minted will offer 25 pieces for sale, 20 of which will be exclusively sold at Pottery Barn Kids!

Need more incentive to enter? In addition to having your work sold in our stores, here is the cash prize breakdown.


The top-rated art prints, as voted by the community, will receive the following prizes:


Good luck! We can’t wait to see your designs.