It’s Peony Season!

Hurray, it’s peony season! From the looks of our Instagram feed, it’s clear we aren’t the only ones who love these luscious looking flowers (we love this shot from Sara Mueller with our Beachcomber Tray, below).

We asked one of our favorite florists, Kiana Underwood of Tulipina, to share her best tips and tricks for working with these beautiful flowers. Read on to see her suggestions for using and caring for peonies!

Q: Everyone gets so excited when it’s peony season! What are your suggestions for working with this fragile flower? 

A: I actually don’t think that peonies are very fragile in comparison to other flowers, like gardenias! However, as with most flowers, you want to make sure that they are hydrated and are not placed in direct sunlight.

When I bring peonies back from the market, I trim their stems in an angle and place them in water somewhere cool — that is where they stay until I begin working with them.

Q: What are your favorite flowers to include in peony arrangements?

A: Since peonies are such big flowers, I consider them to be statement flowers. They are sort of the star of the show and the focal point of the arrangement. So I like to use smaller flowers, such as mock orange (when in season), sweet peas, or ranunculus along with some foliage and possibly some type of fruit or berry branches for added texture and beauty.

Q: What is the best way to keep an arrangement of peonies lasting as long as possible? 

A: The best way to keep any arrangement is to use flowers when they are not quite fully opened and at the end of their life. You don’t necessarily want to use closed buds either, but somewhere about halfway is usually the best bet for having your arrangement last long and continue to flourish.

Photos by N.R. Underwood

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