How To Pack For a Road Trip

Happy first day of June! Summer is officially here in 21 days! We can’t wait to plan spontaneous trips and hit the road. The possibilities are endless from the beach, mountains, big cities and more! To celebrate we are sharing 14 of our top must-haves for a road trip to ensure you have the most awesome trip ever! Enjoy the open road 🙂

1. Luggage – don’t forget to pack clothes!

2. Sunglasses – protect your eyes from the sun.

3. Camera – you’ll want to document the trip, so be sure and take lots of pictures!

4. Toiletry Bag – everyone in the car will appreciate if you pack a toothbrush in your toiletry bag 😉

5. Map – for incase you get lost.

6. Sunscreen – be sure to pack this and use it! You can still get a sunburn from sitting in the car!

7. Headphones – for when you need a little “me” time or are trying to sleep!

8. Music – be sure to make some awesome playlists for the ride!

9. Re-usable water bottles – don’t forget to stay hydrated!

10. Snacks – pack all of you favorite munchies to eat.

11. Book – if you can read in the car, bring a book!

12. Trivia Card Games – these are great games that the driver can play too!

13. Comfy Pillow – for when you are ready to catch some zzz’s.

14. Charger – so your electronics don’t die.

Planning a road trip?! Tell us where you are going in the comments!