Homemade Lunches Just Got Better

The first few days of school are filled with mixed emotions. Excitement, anticipation, maybe a little tear is shed (by us moms!). A great way to make your little one feel extra special during their first days back in class is to add a little surprise to their lunch box!

A sweet note paired with a yummy lunch is a perfect way to put a smile on your little student’s face!

Cutting a sandwich in their favorite shapes will help even the pickiest of eaters enjoy a healthy lunch.  (Don’t forget to write their name inside of their lunch bag incase it gets forgotten on the playground!)

Words of encouragement on their next big test will go a long way, especially when they’re complimented with a flavored bagel sandwich and sweet fig bars.

Have some fun with the theme of their lunch bag! This peanut butter and jelly sandwich was built into a castle, inspired by our Mackenzie Dragon lunch print.

If your loving our creative shaped lunches and you’re in the mood to get a little crafty with your food, click here to shop our stainless sandwich cutters.

View more lunch ideas and our favorite lunch boxes here!