G. Hannelius Make Me Nails @ PBteen

Guess what?! The oh so talented 16 year old G. Hannelius, co-founder of Make Me Nails, actress, singer/songwriter has designed exclusive PBteen nail wraps.

G. Hannelius, co-founder of Make Me Nails, actress, singer/songwriter has designed exclusive PBteen nail wraps for her awesome app Make Me Nails and they are now available nationwide in PBteen stores! ? We are thrilled to showcase her entrepreneurial spirit as well as her love of nail art. Pick up your nail wraps today! Locate a store near you here.

Here is a look at the exclusive designs 🙂

G. stopped by our store in South Coast Plaza to demo the app, here are a few photos of the fun!

Share your nails with us by tagging #mypbteenmakemenails!