Halloween DIY: Chalk Paint Boxes

We’re excited to present a DIY from the Fall issue of Sweet Paul magazine that will be perfect for Halloween. This DIY was created by Lova Blåvarg, at 17-year-old Swedish-born designer whose beautiful craft and art projects are featured in the column Lova’s World.

Chalk Paint boxes

I have always loved dressing up in costumes, but we don’t have Halloween in Sweden, so I was really excited to come to the US and have a chance to experience it (especially since I was allowed to wear my costume in school!). This year, I decided to make spooky chalkboard boxes for candy and other goodies.

1. Find tin boxes in different interesting shapes and sizes. (For example, I used an Easter egg tin box to make the dragon egg!)

2. Fill a big bowl with chalkboard paint. Dip and roll the boxes in the paint. Dipping gives a nice smooth effect compared to painting them.

3. Let dry.

4. Draw Halloween inspired designs with chalk on the boxes.

5. Fill with candy!

Tip: When Halloween is over you can easily erase the drawings and use the boxes for tea and coffee and such things until next year!