A Father’s Day Flower Bouquet

We love how The Naked Bouquet made florals look Father’s Day worthy, thanks to the addition of a Pottery Barn vintage leather trunk and mercury glass vases (available in store).

Kiana from The Naked Bouquet writes,

Ok, so maybe flowers aren’t the first thing that come to mind when it comes to Father’s Day, but I found this cute vintage leather trunk at Pottery Barn, and thought that it would make a great gift for dad (I happen to know that both my dad and father-in-law appreciate flowers very much). I’ve added to it some flower-filled mercury vases, as well as a little something to help dad celebrate his special day. If you didn’t want to use flowers, you could always fill it up with some of your father’s favorite things – whiskey, wine, books, clothes or anything else he might enjoy.

We think that this handsome update to the flower bouquet is just what’s needed to enhance Dad’s gift experience this year. Are you giving your dad flowers this year? Maybe it’s time to consider it!

Be sure to check out all of the Father’s Day florals on The Naked Bouquet.