What to Expect During Sorority Rush

Going Greek? Sorority Rush Week can be fun, overwhelming, exhausting and unforgettable! With many of you prepping for rush week we decided to share a few tips from someone who’s been there! Today our PBdorm Ambassador Tatum is giving you the full scoop…

Be sure to click on our handy chart below to see it at full size!

1. Pack properly. Be sure to bring extra shoes – you’ll be standing around a lot and walking from sorority to sorority. If you like wearing heels, don’t worry – it’s common to change shoes between houses, so just bring a comfy pair of flats for relief every now and then. Also, pack a bag of daily essentials (tissues, makeup, a brush, lots of water, snacks, gum, a pen and notebook, sunglasses, etc.).

2. Check the weather! If it’s going to be hot (like it was for my rush week), you might want to bring a handheld fan. Or, if you have rush during cooler months, bring along a cardigan or jacket to keep cozy.

3. Have thoughtful questions ready! Typically during rush, you’ll talk with members of the sorority for at least 20 minutes. Don’t just talk about generic topics like school, your major and the classes you’re taking. Instead, differentiate yourself and make sure they get to know the real you! (Plus, you’ll go crazy if you have the same conversation with everyone.)

4. Make friends. Get chatty with the girls in your rush group. It’s nice to have someone to talk to between houses, and you might even end up in the same house.

5. Don’t listen to rumors. Go where you feel most comfortable and where you see yourself making the most friends. Also, enjoy the food you’ll be offered at each house – you’ll be hungry and thirsty, and contrary to popular belief, it’s not some sort of weird test!

6. Take care of yourself. The process is fun, but it’s extremely tiring! Get lots of rest to prepare for each day. And stock up on cough drops – there’s so much much talking, sometimes people lose their voices!

7. Bring a journal. Write down what you thought about each house and the names of people you talked to. It’s a great way to keep track of everything during a sometimes-overwhelming week!

Have you been through rush week? What advice would you give – we’d love to hear in the comments below!