DIY Sparkly Holiday Gift Toppers

We are so excited to share a super festive holiday DIY today! With gifting season upon us we know many of you will be looking for crafty ways to wrap those special gifts, that’s where Miss Amy of Homey Oh My blog comes in! No matter what holidays you and your family celebrating, we know you’ll love this DIY. Take it away, Amy!

Hey guys, it’s Amy back with another DIY for ya! Today we’re talking gift wrap. I love a beautifully wrapped gift, but I also don’t have a ton of time to make something elaborate. Luckily what I have on deck today is simple to make, but still beautiful! These are as fun to make as they look and take no time at all. Hop down in front of your favorite TV show and before it’s over, you’ll be able to make enough pom poms for every gift you’ll be giving this season!


Step 1: Wrap the end of the tinsel garland tightly around two fingers at least twice around. Wrap it around more times for a bigger pom pom, but too many times will make it look bulky, so watch out for this!

Step 2: Cut off the excess garland where it meets the starting end of the garland.

Step 3: Cut a piece of string long enough to wrap around the gift as many times as you’d like. The string I used here, for example, was long enough to wrap around the gift three times.

Step 4: Pull the string through the loop where your two fingers were, then double tie the string around the tinsel garland, making sure the loose ends of the garland are tied securely under the string.

Step 5: Tie the pom pom around the gift with the string, fluffing and tufting the pom pom as needed to make it as round as possible.

They’re so adorably chic and too easy not to try! Give it a go, mix up the colors, and maybe even use them to decorate around your space for that extra holiday sparkle.

For more holiday DIY’s, check out my easy ornament cluster gift topper or these black, white and gold ornaments, which you maybe caught a glimpse of already in the photo above!