DIY Heart Water Bottles for Valentine’s Day

We’re back with another fabulous Valentine’s Day DIY from PBteen crafter extraordinaire Laurel of A Bubbly Life blog to show us how to get extra festive this V-day! Take it away, Laurel!

Aloha, everyone! Laurel from A Bubbly Life here again! As a crafter and DIY blogger I seriously swoon for anything that you can buy that is 100% PLAIN! Why? Well… because it means I can make it over any way I want, of course! That’s why when I found these basic glass water bottles I knew we could make a super special Valentine’s Day inspired DIY out of ’em! Once you have these you may just be inspired to go play in the park or take the dog for a brisk walk 😉 Let’s get started…

DIY Heart Glass Bottles Materials:


Wipe the glass bottles clean with some rubbing alcohol – this helps remove any dirt and oils in order to prime the glass for the paint.

Easy painting instructions:

For the heart shape, use a stencil and paint with pouncer.  You can also freehand the heart if you are talented!  (I prefer adhesive stencils, if you cannot find them in store, you can make one of your own with contact paper and a stamp)

For the XO, use a thin paint brush and cover with XO’s!

Once the paint is dry, place glass bottles in a cold oven. Turn oven on to 350 degrees and bake for 30 minutes. Turn off oven and let bottles completely cool.  (Make sure you have parental permission and supervision on this step!)

Read your individual label, most glass paint is dishwasher safe on the top shelf — I was able to wash mine multiple times with absolutely no issue!

Voila…that’s it! What do you think!? Would you make these sweet water bottles? Be sure to share who you’d make one for in the comments below.