DIY: Glitter Champagne Bottles for Awards Night

Are you hosting an Awards Night party tomorrow? We suggest adding some glitz to set your gala apart from the rest. These ombré glitter champagne bottles from Camp Makery are easy, adorable and will bring some glam to your party.

DIY: Camp Makery
Photography: Haley Sheffield

Atlanta makeup artist Andrea Carter designed these playful champagne bottles for a party with girlfriends, but we thought they’d add a perfect touch of sparkle while watching red carpet this Sunday.

Here’s what you’ll need:

 Bottles of your favorite champagne

Glitter in two colors (Try to choose a color that matches the foil on your champagne bottle so it all blends in)

Foam art brushes

Mod Podge


1. Start at the end of the foil on top of the champagne bottle and coat 1/3 of the bottle with Mod Podge. Sprinkle the first color of glitter you’ve chosen on this part of the bottle.

Tip: We suggest doing this outside with plenty of newspaper to avoid glitter bombing your living room.

2. To create the ombré look, mix a little bit of both colors of glitter together, and repeat the previous step on the middle third of the bottle.

3. Finish off the bottom third of the bottle with your second color of glitter.

And that’s it! Place a group of these bottles on your buffet or bar so guests can pour themselves a glass when they arrive.

See the full DIY here.