DIY: Botanical Escort Cards

When it comes to planning a memorable event, it’s all about the details. Escort cards are the first thing your guests will notice when they arrive at the reception. Using natural elements and an adorable (and downloadable) template, we couldn’t help but share this DIY from Elizabeth Anne Designs by Suzy Rohan of Lily Red Studio. Can you use a similar idea for place cards? You bet you can.

For this project you will need:

Card stock
Xacto Blade
Self-healing mat or cutting surface
Fresh or dried flowers or herbs


1. Download, then print the escort card template.
2. Cut the escort cards out of the template using a ruler and the Xacto.
3. Cut slits along the top and bottom (but not sides) of the arrow portion of the design.
4. Write in names and table numbers.
5. Insert trimmed flowers or herbs into the arrow section of the card.
6. Display!

View the original post on Elizabeth Anne Designs and see step by step photos of the whole process!

Photography: Sarah Postma Photography

Concept & How-to: Lily Red Studio

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