How To Decorate Your Sorority with A Lonestar State of Southern

We are so excited to bring you another decor post from our favorite collegiate blogger, Miss Kate from A Lonestar State of Southern. You may remember her charming post from Make Your Bed Day (if not, be sure to check it out!). Today Kate is back to show you how she transformed her room in her sorority house…

Hey guys, it’s Kate from A Lonestar State of Southern and I am so excited to share my room with you today! When it comes to living in a sorority house, there’s one thing you have a lot of: roommates. (Sixty, to be exact!) One thing you don’t have a lot of? Space. With a little help from PBteen I was able to make the most of what I lovingly refer to as my “shoebox room,” and I’m so excited to walk you through the finished product!

Between class, friends, studying, blogging and sorority commitments, life stays pretty busy! I wanted my room to be a place I could escape to in order to relax and get work done in. With it’s clean, classic look and precious scallop trim, the Vienna bedding set that tone right away. I also love anything with a pom pom, so I knew the pom pom throw would be a fun addition. I didn’t know, however, that it would turn into my favorite possession! My room is always chilly, so it comes in handy all the time.

Living in a house with 60 girls, you can imagine how difficult it can be to find a quiet space to get work done in. That’s why I typically camp out on my bed to crank out papers, answer emails, and complete reading assignments. This flip-out lap desk has been a lifesaver – it allows me to sit straight up (surprisingly more productive than laying down) and work on my laptop or read a textbook without slumping down and craning my neck.

Next, I clamped my shine-on clip light to the shelf right by my bed. It’s the perfect solution to late-night cramming while you’re roommate is asleep! I can’t get enough of its bubblegum pink shade.

The walls of my room are a bleak, pale yellow – not the most attractive. I decided to break up the boring hue and add my own personal touches with the Scallop Statement Pinboard! I have absolutely adored having this to pin pictures, concert tickets and art prints on. I love that you can completely change the look of your room by switching out different items to the board. I’m already on the lookout for what I’ll add next!

While my room definitely isn’t spacious, it sure is cozy thanks to the help of PBteen! With a few carefully selected pieces, I was able to make the most of the limited space while incorporating plenty of fun, color and personality. I wouldn’t want it any other way!

Thanks, Kate! Be sure to check out Kate’s blog for more great fashion and lifestyle posts and head over to our Pinterest for more room decor inspiration!