How To Deck Out Your Locker

Alright, it’s official. It’s time to say good-bye to our lazy summer days and head back to class. But have no fear – we’re here to help you get your school year off to fab start. As we all know, staying on top of school work starts with being organized so we’ve created the ultimate guide to decking out your locker! Click on our guide below to see our tips at full size (don’t forget to Pin for later!)


A locker might seem like an unremarkable, purely functional part of the day, but with a few fun accessories, it’s transformed into another way to make a big style statement (and a get burst of inspiration every time you open that little door!). Here are our top tips for decking out the ultimate locker: 

How do you make your locker pop? Snap a photo and be sure to share with us on Instagram by tagging @PBteen! We just might regram our faves.