Creating a Bedroom Oasis with Anne Sage

Your bedroom is a respite from the daily chaos of life, so it should be a place of calm, peace and relaxation.  However, more often than not, it’s the place where we answer emails, watch TV, chat on the phone and catch up on the day.  It’s the opposite of what it should be and for one want to start a campaign to reclaim it as a calming oasis.  So we reached out to one of the most people we know, lifestyle expert and author Anne Sage, to ask her how she maintains her cool juggling her fast paced life.  Anne graciously let us into her bedroom and filmed her simple and paired back approach to creating a bedroom sanctuary.


We are already feeling a little more zen after watching Anne! Want to apply her approach to your own bedroom?  Below is what Anne used in creating her calming retreat.


Be sure to check out our entire collection of bedroom furniture, bedding and mattresses to create your own bedroom sanctuary!

