3 Tips for an Organized School Year

It’s that time of year – back to school is back! In the first of a four-part series on getting set for school, we’ve rounded up three tips for your home to help kids stay organized.

1. Create a back-to-school station.

Designate a room (or part of a room) as back-to-school central. Fill small bins with basic school supplies – a ruler, tape, glue, hole punchers, erasers, sticky notes, and boxes of crayons and colored pencils.

Hang a calender or pinboard on the wall to help keep track of everyone’s schedules, to-do lists, and things to shop for.

Make a checklist for each child to ensure homework and reading are done, and clothes and shoes are ready for the next day.

2. Prepare for tomorrow the night before.

Pack backpacks so they’re ready to simply grab and go in the morning. Make sure the right homework is in the right bag and that everyone has what they’ll need.

Packing lunches the night before is another time-saving step that will reduce stress on hectic mornings.

3. Build an inspiring desk space.

After a long day in the classroom, give kids a creative, fun place to come home and wrap up assignments. Create a “study corner” with a spacious desk, comfortable chair and a few desk accessories.

For an alternative to a desk chair, add a plush place to sit and read – like our Anywhere Chair, personalized with their name.

Here’s to an organized school year! For more inspiring ideas, visit potterybarnkids.com to shop our entire collection of desks, chairs, storage and more. Plus, check the blog tomorrow for the next installment in our back-to-school series. Here’s a hint: it’s all about extra special details!