Baby Registry Tips from a Second-Time Mom

When we heard Meghan Basinger, from Project Nursery, was having her second baby, we we’re beyond thrilled! We couldn’t wait to hear how her experience differed the second time around. Because for some reason, your second child always seems a bit different – and not in a bad way! It’s like you can handle everything that pregnancy throws your way with ease, because hey, you’re a seasoned vet. You know all the tips, tricks, and especially the crazy advice to avoid. The registry process alone becomes a breeze because you’ve actually lived with a baby and know what you and your little one need.

So whether it’s your first baby or you’ve got another one on the way, we’re here to help make the registry process for your little one a piece of cake! (did someone say cake?)

Read on to hear Meghan’s top five registry tips:

Identify Your Style. Whether you know baby’s gender or not, it’s helpful to focus in on an overall look. I hesitate to say theme because I think you should allow yourself some fun and flexibility, but at the end of the day, you’ll feel better when boxes start arriving if they look like they’ve been ordered by the same person even if baby-brain has fully set in by now. Personally, I love shades of grays and whites as a base with subtle pink details since I’m a mom of girls. A registry with an obvious color palette also helps deter Grandma from sending a box of lime green goodies that she just knew you’d love.

Make the No-Brainer List. Crib, bedding, diapers and feeding necessities. At the end of the day, if you have these items when you come home from the hospital, you’ll be A-OK.

Make the I Gotta Have That List. You know, the chandelier, the adorable hooded unicorn bath towel and the prints for the perfect gallery wall. Don’t be shy about adding these to your registry list, too. Your friends and family want to spoil you as you enter into motherhood. Plus, you can cash in on the 10% completion discount PBK offers for any items not gifted to you—so think big!

Use Forward-Thinking. Those newborn onesies and swaddles are going to be calling your name. And yes, you do need those, but before you know it, you’ll be searching your kitchen cabinets for kid-friendly plates and bowls. Add these to your list now and dial back on the blankets.

Don’t Be Shy, Personalize! People love gifting personalized items. If you’re ready to share your little one’s name, take full advantage! If not, this is when the completion discount comes in handy once again. Most PBK stores have an embroidery station, and nothing gets a mama’s heart fluttering like watching that sweet name get stitched across a Boppy or Anywhere Chair.

And listen up, rookie mamas, register in rounds. In a few weeks, I’ll be back chatting nursery design. You better believe I plan on adding decorative pillows, accent pieces for shelving and more fun goodies once I nail down Kingsley’s room with the help of PBK’s Design Services.


Photography: ShelbyRaePhotographs