5 Ways to Style Our Dorm Trunks

Lets face it, when you’re moving into your dorm making the most of your space is a MUST. For those of you going away to college and even those of you who aren’t, trunks are a perfect space saving piece of décor. It is one of those things that you may have never known you needed but once you get it you realize how helpful it is to have around. Our Dorm Trunks come in a variety of sizes and colors to store your necessities. Not only are these trunks on-trend, they are functional as well! Scroll below to see 5 different ways to style our Dorm Trunks, from our newest Dorm collection!

  1. Closet storage: When you move into your dorm room you may be shocked by the amount of space you have for all of your belongings. Our dorm trunks provide a way to organize and keep your room looking clean all year long. Add in our Closet Storage Set for ultimate organization.


2. Under bed storage: Another great way to save space is to have a lifted bed and store things underneath. Here we used three of our Dorm Trunks with silver trim to match the colors found throughout the room. Tip: Having multiple trunks in different colors to store different things in helps separate and color coordinate for easy access. Keep sporting goods in one, shoes in the next and books and school supplies in another. The possibilities are endless!


3. A coffee table for your lounge space: Every shared lounge needs a coffee table, not only for decoration purposes but as a place to eat, to set your beverages or simply to kick your feet up after a long day. We decided to accent our Baldwin Lounge Sectional with our Dorm Trunk in white with rubbed brass accents and some super cool rock n roll accessories like our Queen Bravado Band Art Pillow Cover and our Rolling Stones Tapestry for a super cool and laid back shared lounge space.


4.  Bedside table: Everyone needs a bedside table as a place for all your necessities. Our Cube Dorm Trunk is the perfect size to function as a bedside catchall.

5. Not-your-average stepping stool: Our dorm trunks come in handy when trying to decorate out-of-reach places. Hanging pictures, hanging string lights, changing light bulbs, there are so many mundane tasks that require a stepping stool. Our trunks are not only cool looking but they are sturdy and dependable when you need them. Design tip: Create a focal wall covered in pictures of your favorite places and memories. Our dorm trunk can help you get to those high and hard-to-reach places.

There are so many ways to make use of our Dorm Trunks. How often is it that you find a design that’s functionality is matched by its looks? These trunks are super useful and come in an array of colors to match any room.

Show us how you’re styling our Dorm Trunks with #MyPBteen for a chance to be featured on our Instagram!