So Gourd! 3 Fun Crafts for Halloween

We’re counting down the last three days until Halloween with three crafts that are all about pumpkins! With plenty of silly expressions and ghoulish gourd faces, you’ll love these simple crafts without that pumpkin-carving mess.

From a traditional Jack-O-Lantern to a friendly smirk, the faces on this DIY Pumpkin Garland from Hellobee are filled with personality! Our favorite over-the-top idea? Add sparkly paint or features like ears or arms for an extra fun garland this Halloween.

Does your little one have a few extra Jack-O-Lantern ideas? Let them create as many different faces as they like with this DIY Dry Erase Pumpkin Printable from Handmade Charlotte.

Add another layer to your doorstep decor with these Halloween Face Balloons from Mer Mag. Whether you’re including another pumpkin face or a wicked witch and white ghost, this DIY is the perfect way to add additional elements that aren’t too spooky for trick-or-treaters.

Looking for more great Halloween crafting ideas? Check out our Halloween Party on Design Studio or browse other crafts on the blog.